Admission Prices:
Self Guided Audio Tours
Adults • $10
Seniors • $8
Students • $6
Headphone Rental $2
Ear Bud Purchase $1
*Guided Tours*
Same price listed above
*1 Public School Teacher Free (with each class)
*1 Home School Teacher: $2 discount with their class
Trail of Faith
Hours of Operation
Closed for unguided Tours during
The months of January and February
March - December
Tuesday - Saturday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
(Arrive by 3:00pm to complete your tour)
walk-ins welcome for
self-guided tours
Closed on Sunday Monday &
Also Closed on:
July 4th
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
New Year's Day
Trail of Faith
Special Events
Easter Sunrise
Drama & Service
Lighting of the Trail
A Christmas lights display from the Tuesday before Thanksgiving until Christmas Eve. (last night of lights)
6 pm to 9 pm
Trail is Closed Christmas Day/No lights on Christmas Day
$1 donation per car is asked to help offset the Nov. and Dec. electric bills.